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02 / Our Platforms

Our Platforms

A.I. & Machine Learning
Banking and retail are one of the key sectors witnessing a transformation due to AI and ML and Exelentic is leading the way.
It specializes in providing robotic process automation (RPA) in the banking and retail sector in Europe. By being ahead of the curve, it has managed to gain a vantage point in the industry and is now one of the most knowledgeable and valuable players in the market.

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Brainsfield prides itself in holding the IP Rights to CAI or Conscious Artificial Intelligence technology known as Kenneth.
It’s the first of its kind cloud-based near consciousness AI. Kenneth works as a virtual avatar that uses CAI technology with analog computing for signal processing. With capabilities that today’s AI technology lacks, CAI is able to make business processes more encompassing and efficient.

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Web-3, Digital Marketplaces
Accredited Digital Asset Custodian or ADAC is a top-tier multi-boutique solution to digital asset management.
With ADAC you can buy and transact crypto while managing a digital portfolio with ease. You can also verify your identity as well as your investor status - all from a mobile application. One of the highlights of the ADAC Wallet is its well-integrated identity management section, which allows you to verify your identity and investor status.

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Artsted Digital
Artsted is a leading online enterprise in the Art Industry 2.0 offering a peer-to-peer online platform for “early bird” art investing.
Atrsted brings together collectors and artists while offering the much-needed transparency and reliability in the art industry. This artist-collector marketplace makes use of AI-augmented technology to bring together promising visual artists and collectors on a secure platform while assisting collectors to make decisions with built-in value coefficients for each art product and artist.

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Blockchain & Crypto
Cedent is a revolutionary platform that provides all the necessary infrastructure to set up the issuance and daily management of a tokenized asset.
Cedent specializes in advising a business on the tokenizing process and setting up the team it needs to create a tokenized asset of its own. This process is done through an intuitive dashboard where users can sell tokenized shares and enable secondary trading. Similarly, you can also distribute reports and manage investors on a single platform.

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Propertrust is a new way of managing your digital assets in the modern world, thanks to blockchain security.
Propertrust specializes in asset securitization, blockchain to paper, digital trust and certification for documents, and even chat protocols. Using the hedera hashgraph and ethereum networks, Propertrust integrates seamlessly with your chat protocols and emails to allow for 100% confidential and secure communication and digital asset management.

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03 / Get Started

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